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Petra Frýdlová
Roman Fuchs
Jan Havlíček
Eva Landová
Tereza Nekovářová

Olga Šimková

PhD studenti

MSc studenti

Externí školitelé

Charles University
of Prague
Faculty of Science
Department of zoology

Doc. RNDr. Daniel Frynta, PhD.

Phone: ++420/221951846, ++420/737772867
E-mail: frynta@centrum.cz

Research interests: Behavioural ecology, sociobiology, ethology, ecomorphology, evolutionary psychology, conservation biology

Current projects: Evolution of sexual size dimorphism; comparative studies of behavioural traits; aggression; phylogenetics; cultural and language evolution; human-animal relationships (ethnozoology, conservation, captive breeding, commensalism).

Model taxa and regions: vertebrates (especially rodents, snakes and lizards); the Mediterranean, Middle East and North Africa; the Caribbean; SE Asia and Wallacea.

Lectures and courses: Sociobiology and behavioural ecology; Sociobiology of humans and other primates; Ethology and sociobiology; Ecomorphology and evolutionary ecology; Ecology of amphibians and reptiles.  

  1. Frynta D, Lisková S, Bültmann S, Burda H (2010) Being Attractive Brings Advantages: The Case of Parrot Species in Captivity. PLoS ONE 5(9): e12568. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0012568 [Download PDF]
  2. Varadínová Z., Stejskal V. Frynta D. (in print): Patterns of aggregation behaviour in six species of cockroaches (Blattaria: Blaberidae): comparing two experimental approaches. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata.
  3. Slábová M., Munclinger P. and Frynta D. (2010): Sexual size dimorphism in non-commensal populations of Mus musculus. Acta Zoologica Acad. Sci. Hungariae 56 (2): 139–151.
  4. Frýdlová P. and Frynta D., (2010): Sexual size dimorphism in varanid lizards: confirming Rensch’s rule. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 100: 293–306. IF2007=2.368
  5. Schwarzová L., Štros P., Frynta D., Fuchs R. (2010): Arrival timing in subadult and adult Black Redstart males: competition-dependent behaviour? Ecology Ethology & Behaviour 22: 1-8. IF2007=0.741
  6. Štorchová Z., Landová E., Frynta D. (2010): Why some tits store food and others do not: evaluation of ecological factors. Journal of Ethology 28: 207-219.DOI 10.1007/s10164-009-0200-x IF=1.225.
  7. Frynta D., Volfová R., Fraňková-Nováková M., Stejskal V. (2010). Oestrous females investigate the unfamiliar male more than the familiar male in both commensal and non-commensal populations of house mice. Behavioural Processes 83(1): 54-60.doi:10.1016/j.beproc.2009.10.002. IF2007=1.684
  8. Starostová Z., Rehák I, Frynta D. (2010): New haplotypes of Cyclura nubila nubila from Cuba changed the phylogenetic tree of rock-iguanas: a challenge for conservation strategies? Amphibia-Reptilia31: 134-143. IF2007=0.929.
  9. Polák J. and Frynta D. (2010): Sexual size dimorphism in domestic cattle supports Rensch’s rule. Evolutionary Ecology DOI 10.1007/s10682-010-9354-9
  10. Frynta D., Marešová J., Landová E., Lišková S., Šimková O., Tichá I., Zelenková M., Fuchs R. (2009): Are animals in zoos rather conspicuous than endangered? Pp: 299-341. Columbus A.M. and Kuznetsov L. (eds): Endangered species: new research. 380 pp. Nova Publishers, NY.
  11. Frynta D., Slábová M., Vohralík V. (2009). Why have male house mice small testes? Zoological Science 26: 17-23. IF2007=1.125
  12. Frynta D., Nováková M., Kutalová H., Palme, Sedláček F.(2009): Apparatus for collection of individualized faecal samples from group caged mice: Basal glucokorticoid levels in Acomys cahirinus. Journal of American Association for Laboratory Animal Science 48(2): 1-6. IF2007=0.520
  13. Marešová J., Krása A. and Frynta D. (2009): We all appreciate the same animals. Ethology 111: 297-300. IF2007=1.902
  14. Polák J. and Frynta D. (2009): Sexual size dimorphism in domestic goats, sheep and their wild relatives. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 98: 872-883. IF2007=2.368
  15. Nováková M., Vašáková B., Kutalová H., Galeštoková K., Průšová K., Šmilauer P., Šumbera R., Frynta D. (2009): Secondary sex ratios do not support maternal manipulation: extensive data from laboratory colonies of spiny mice (Muridae: Acomys). Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 64: 371-379. DOI 10.1007/s00265-009-0853-z. IF2007=2.754
  16. Hynková I., Starostová Z., Frynta D. (2009): Mitochondrial DNA variation reveals recent origin of main Boa constrictor clades. Zoological Science 26: 623-631. IF2007=1.125
  17. Marešová J., Landová E., Frynta D. (2009): What makes some species of milk-snakes more attractive to humans than others? Theory in Biosciences 128: 227-235. DOI 10.1007/s12064-009-0075-y. IF=1.171
  18. Kuncová P. and Frynta D. (2009): Interspecific morphometric variation in the postcranial skeleton in the genus Apodemus. Belgian Journal of Zoology 139(2): 133-146. IF2007=0.433. [Download PDF]
  19. Marešová J. and Frynta D. 2008: Noah’s Ark is full of common species attractive to humans: the case of boid snakes in Zoos. Ecological Economics 64: 554-558. doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2007.03.012 IF2007=1.549
  20. Nováková M., Palme R., Kutalová H., Janský L., Frynta D. 2008. The effects of sex, age and commensal way of life on baseline glucocorticoid levels in spiny mice (Acomys cahirinus). Physiology and Behaviour 95: 187–193. IF2007=2.561
  21. Policht R., Tomášová K., Holečková D., Frynta D. (2008). Vocal repertoire of the nearly extinct northern subspecies of white rhino Ceratotherium simum cottoni. Bioacoustics 18: 69-96. IF2007=1.263
  22. Červenka J., Kratochvíl L., Frynta D. (2008): Phylogeny and taxonomy of the Middle Eastern geckos of the genus Cyrtopodion and their selected relatives. Zootaxa 1931: 25-31. IF2007=0.691
  23. Slábová M. and Frynta D. 2007: Morphometric variation in nearly unstudied populations of the most studied mammal: The non-commensal house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus)in the Near East and Northern Africa. Zoolgischer Anzeiger 246: 91-101. IF2007=0.865
  24. Kratochvíl L., Frynta D. 2007: Phylogenetic analysis of sexual dimorphism in eye-lid geckos (Eublepharidae): the effects of male combat, courtship behaviour, egg size, and body size. Pp: 154-162. In: Fairbairn D., Szekely T. and Blanckenhorn W. (eds): Sex, size and gender roles. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  25. Kaňková Š., Kodym P., Frynta D., Vavřinová R., Kuběna A., Flegr J., 2007. Influence of latent toxoplasmosis on secondary sex index in mice. Parasitology 134: 1709-1717. IF2007=2.081
  26. Policht R., Pithart K., Frynta D. 2007: Vokalizace člunozobce afrického (Balaeniceps rex)v podmínkách chovu v zajetí. Vocalisation in Shoebills (Balaeniceps rex) kept in captivity. Gazella, ZOO Praha 34: 41-50. [Download PDF]
  27. Rexová K., Bastin Y., Frynta D. (2006): Cladistic analysis of Bantu languages: a new tree based on combined lexical and grammatical data. Naturwissenschaften 93: 189-194.IF2006=2.021
  28. Frynta D., Mikulová P., Vohralík V. (2006): Skull shape in the genus Apodemus: phylogenentic conservatism and/adptation to local conditions. Acta Theriologica 51(2): 139-153. IF2006=0.571
  29. Kratochvíl L., Frynta D. (2006): Body-size effect on egg size in eublepharid geckos Squamata: Eublepharidae), lizards with invariant clutch size: negative allometry for egg size in ectotherms is not universal. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 88: 527-532. IF2006=2.445
  30. Kratochvíl L., Frynta D. (2006): Egg shape and size allometry in geckos (Squamata: Gekkota), lizards with contrasting eggshell structure: Why lay spherical eggs? J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res. 44(3): 217-222. IF2006=1.826
  31. Stöck M., Moritz C., Hickerson M, Frynta D., Dujsebayeva T., Eremchenko V., Macey R.J., Papenfuss T. and Wake D., 2006: Evolution of mitochondrial relationships and biogeography of Palearctic green toads (Bufo viridis subgroup) with insights in thein genomic. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 41: 663-689. IF2006=3.528
  32. Skallová A., Kodym P., Frynta D., Flegr J. 2006: The role of dopamine in Toxoplasma-induced behavioural alterations in mice: an ethological and ethopharmacological study. Parasitology 133: 525-535. IF2006=1.786
  33. Kaňková Š., Šulc J., Nouzová K., Fajfrlík K., Frynta D., Flegr J. 2006: Women infected with parasite Toxoplasma have more sons. Naturwissenschaften 94: 122-127. IF2005=2.021
  34. Landová E., Horáček I. and Frynta D. 2006: Did Black-rats evolve culturally-transmitted technique of pine-cone opening independently in Cyprus and Israel. Israel J. Ecol. Evol. 52(2): 151-158. IF2006IsrJZool=0.400
  35. Frynta D., Slábová M., Váchová H., Volfová R., Munclinger P. (2005): Aggression and commensalism in house mouse: a comparative study across Europe and Near East. Aggressive Behavior 31: 283-293. IF2005=1.112
  36. Starostová Z., Kratochvíl L., Frynta D. (2005): Dwarf and giant geckos from the cell perspective: The bigger the snímal, the bigger its erythrocytes? Functional Ecology 19: 744-749. IF2005=3.149
  37. Váchová H., Frynta D. (2004): Social interactions in Apodemus mystacinus:an autumnal increase of aggression at the onset of breeding. Israel Journal of Zoology. 50: 301-310. IF2004=0.391
  38. Kratochvíl L., Frynta D. (2003):Production-growth model applied in eublepharid lizards (Eublepharidae, Squamata): concordance between growth and metabolic rates. Folia Zoologica. 52(3): 317-322. IF2003=0.494 [Download PDF]
  39. Rexová K., Frynta D., Zrzavý J. (2003): Cladistic analysis of languages: Indo-European classification based on lexicostatistical data. Cladistics 19: 120-127. IF2003=3.500
  40. Kratochvíl L., Fokt , Rehák I., Frynta D. (2003): Misinterpretation of character scaling: a tale of sexual dimorphism in body shape of common lizards. Canadian Journal of Zoology 81: 1112-1117. IF2005=1.175
  41. Volfová R., Munclinger P., Frynta D. (2002): Aggression in two subspecies of wild house mouse: Comparison between reciprocal hybrids revealed no evidence for the effect of the Y chromosome. Folia Zoologica 51: 17-22. IF=0.287 [Download PDF]
  42. Kratochvíl L., Frynta D. (2002): Body size, male combat and the evolution of sexual dimorphism in eublepharid lizards (Squamata: Eublepharidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 76: 303-314. IF2002=1.705
  43. Vohralík V., Frynta D., Mikulová P., Nová P. (2002): Multivariate morphometrics of Apodemus mystacinus in the Near East and its divergence from European A. m. epimelas (Mammalia: Rodentia). Israel Journal of Zoology 48: 135-148. IF2002=0.463
  44. Kratochvil L., Frynta D., Moravec J. (2001): A third Stenodactylus in Africa: Return of the forgotten form Stenodactylus stenurus. Israel Journal of Zoology 47: 99-109. IF=0.500
  45. Macholán M., Filippucci M.G., Benda P., Frynta D., Sádlová J. (2001): Allozyme variation and systematics of the genus Apodemus (Rodentia : Muridae) in Asia Minor and Iran. Journal of Mammalogy 82: 799-813. IF=1.735
  46. Mikulová P., Frynta D. (2001): Test of character displacement in urban populations of Apodemus sylvaticus. Canadian Journal of Zoology 79: 794-801. IF=1.168
  47. Frynta D., Mikulová P., Suchomelová E., Sádlová J. (2001): Discriminant analysis of morphometric characters in four species of Apodemus (Muridae: Rodentia) from eastern Turkey and Iran. Israel Journal of Zoology 47: 243-258. IF=0.500
  48. Stöck, M., Frynta D., Grosse W.-R., Steinlein C., and Schmid M. (2001): A review of the distribution of diploid, triploid and tetraploid Green Toads (Bufo viridis complex) in Asia including new data from Iran and Pakistan. Asiatic Herpetological Research  9: 77-100.
  49. Sádlová J., Frynta D. (2001): Species differences and temporal variation of non-metric characters in Apodemus flavicollis and A. sylvaticus populations (Mammalia: Rodentia). Acta Societas Zoologicae Bohemicae65: 97-104. [Download PDF]
  50. Suchomelová E., Frynta D. (2000): Intraspecific behavioural interactions in Apodemus microps: a peaceful mouse? Acta Theriologica 45: 201-209. IF=0.422 [Download PDF]
  51. Storch D., Frynta D. (2000): Evolution of habitat selection: Stochastic acquisition of cognitive clues? Evolutionary Ecology 13: 591-600. IF=1.762
  52. Graphodatsky A.S., Sablina O.V., Meyer M.N., Malikov V.G., Isakova E.A., Trifonov V.A., Polyakov A.V., Lushnikova T.P., Vorobieva N.V., Serdyukova N.A., Perelman P.L., Borodin P.M., Benda P., Frynta D., Leikepová L., Munclinger P., Piálek J., Sádlová J., Zima J. (2000): Comparative cytogenetics of hamsters of the genus Calomyscus. Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics 88: 296-304. IF=1.409
  53. Munclinger P. & Frynta D. (2000): Social relations within and between two distant  populations of house mouse. Folia Zoologica 49: 1-6. IF=0.240 [Download PDF]
  54. Frynta D., Kratochvíl L., Moravec J., Benda P., Dandová R., Kaftan M., Klosová K., Mikulová P., Nová P., Schwarzová L. (2000): Amphibians and reptiles recently recorded in Libya. Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 64: 17-26. [Download PDF]
  55. Suchomelová E., Munclinger P., Frynta D. (1998): New evidence of pseudosexual behaviour and female aggression in mice: neutral cage interactions in Mus spicilegus and Mus spretus (Rodentia: Muridae). Folia Zoologica 47: 241-247. IF=0.314 [Download PDF]
  56. Vohralík V., Sofianidou T.S. & Frynta D. (1998): Reproduction in the Mus macedonicus (Mammalia: Rodentia) in  the Balkans. Bonner zoologische Beiträge 47: 283-292. [Download PDF]
  57. Munclinger P. & Frynta D. (1997): Relations between distant  populations of Mus musculus sensu lato: is there any  odour-based discrimination? Folia Zoologica 46: 193-199. IF=0.364 [Download PDF]
  58. Frynta D., Moravec J., Čiháková J., Sádlo J., Hodková Z., Kaftan M., Kodym P., Král D., Pitule V., Šejna V. (1997):  Results of the Czech Biological Expedition to Iran. Part 1.  Notes on the distribution of amphibians and reptiles. Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 61: 3-17. [Download PDF]
  59. Flegr J., Zitková Š., Kodym P, Frynta D. (1996): Induction of  changes in human behaviour by the parasitic protozoan  Toxoplasma gondii. Parasitology 113: 49-54. IF1997=2.206
  60. Čiháková J. & Frynta D. (1996): Intraspecific and  interspecific behavioural interactions in the Wood mouse  (Apodemus sylvaticus) and the Yellow-necked mouse (Apodemus  flavicollis) in a neutral cage. Folia Zoologica 45: 105-113. IF1997=0.364 [Download PDF]
  61. Vohralík V., Sofianidou T.S. & Frynta D. (1996):  Population structure in Mus macedonicus  (Mammalia: Rodentia) in the Balkans. Folia Zoologica 45: 97-103. [Download PDF]
  62. Čiháková J. & Frynta D. (1996): Abundance fluctuation in  Apodemus spp. and Clethrionomys glareolus (Mammala:  Rodentia): a seven year study in an isolated suburban wood. Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae, 60: 3-12. [Download PDF]
  63. Žižková M. & Frynta D. (1996): Reproduction in Apodemus  sylvaticus (Rodentia: Muridae) in captivity. Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 60: 83-93. [Download PDF]
  64. Frynta D. & Čiháková J. (1996): Neutral cage interactions in  Mus macedonicus (Rodentia: Muridae): an aggressive mouse.  Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 60: 97-102. [Download PDF]
  65. Frynta D., Exnerová A. & Čiháková J. (1995): Odour-based  discrimination among populations of Apodemus agrarius. Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 59: 41-52. [Download PDF]
  66. Frynta D., Exnerová A. & Nováková A. (1995): Intraspecific  behavioural interactions in the Striped-field mouse  (Apodemus agrarius) and its interspecific relationships to  the Wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus): Dyadic encounters in  neutral cage. Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 59: 53-62. [Download PDF]
  67. Frynta D.(1994): Exploratory behaviour in 12 Palaearctic mice species (Rodentia: Muridae): A comparative study using "free exploration" test. Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 57: 173‑182. [Download PDF]
  68. Frynta D. & Žižková M. (1994): Sex ratio in Apodemus sylvaticus (Rodentia: Muridae): A comparison of field and laboratory data. Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 57: 183‑192. [Download PDF]
  69. Frynta D. & Vohralík V. (1994): Reproduction in the Wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) in urban habitats of Prague: III. Population structure, sexual maturation and breeding intensity in females. Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 58: 39‑51. [Download PDF]
  70. Frynta D., Vohralík V. & Řezníček J. (1994): Small mammals (Insectivora, Rodentia) in the city of Prague. Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 58: 151‑176. [Download PDF]
  71. Čiháková J., Exnerová A., Sádlo J. & Frynta D. (1993): Many sided evaluation of the extensive synchronous sampling of small mammals (Insectivora, Rodentia) in lowland forest. Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 57: 1‑16. [Download PDF]
  72. Frynta D. (1993): Body weight structure in the Wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) population in urban habitats of  Prague. Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 57: 91‑100. [Download PDF]
  73. Frynta D. (1992): Reproduction in the Wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) in urban habitats of Prague: I. Males, pp: 39‑47. In: Horáček I. & Vohralík V. (eds.): Prague Studies in Mammalogy, Praha: Karolinum ‑ Charles University Press, 245 pp. [Download PDF]
  74. Frynta D. (1992): "Open field" behaviour in seven mice (Apodemus, Mus) species, pp: 31‑38. In: Horáček I. & Vohralík V. (eds.): Prague Studies in Mammalogy, Praha: Karolinum ‑ Charles University Press, 245 pp. [Download PDF]
  75. Frynta D., Exnerová A., Čiháková J., Kozlová P. & Zelinková L. (1992): Species discrimination based on olfaction in two related mice species Mus musculus and Mus abbotti, pp: 49‑56. In: Horáček I. & Vohralík V. (eds.): Prague Studies in Mammalogy, Praha: Karolinum ‑ Charles University Press, 245 pp. [Download PDF]
  76. Frynta D. & Vohralík V. (1992): Reproduction in the Wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) in urban habitats of Prague: II. Litter size. Acta Universitatis Carolinae ‑ Biol. 36: 325‑340. [Download PDF]
  77. Frynta D. & Žižková (1992): Postnatal growth of the Wood mouse in captivity, pp: 57‑69. In: Horáček I. & Vohralík V. (eds.): Prague Studies in Mammalogy, Praha: Karolinum ‑ Charles University Press, 245 pp. [Download PDF]

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