Podrobnosti najdete na: http://www.cke.cz/lide/fuchs.htm (details available in English on this page)
Vědecké zaměření: antipredační chování ptáků, chování ptáků vůči aposematickému hmyzu, mezidruhová agrese u ptáků, ptáci v urbánních habitatech
Curiculum vitae of RNDr. Roman Fuchs, CSc.
Date of birth: January 29, 1959; Prague, Czech Republic
Nationality: Czech
Institution: University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Department of Zoology, České Budějovice
Position: Assistent professor
Research and professional experience
1985-1993: Institute of Landscape Ecology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, research assistent.
1993-2009: Department of Zoology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of South Bohemia, assistent professor
1997-2009: Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Charles University , assistent professor
Academic degrees
1983: RNDr. (systematical zoology and ecology – zoology of Vertebrates), Department of Zoology, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic;
1993: CSc. (ecology), Institute of Landscape Ecology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, České Budějovice, Czech Republic; dissertation "Structural characteristics of bird communities a bioindicators of anthropogenic changes in landscape"
Supervised dissertations(last 5 years)
- 5 Ph.D. completed
- 4 Ph.D. projects in progress
- 8 M.Sc. completed
- 6 M.Sc. projects in progress
- 2 Bc. completed
- 4 Bc. projects in progress
mostly at the University of South Bohemia, some at the Charles University
Activities in research field (last 5 years)
Participation on grants
- A6141102, Prof. RNDr. Jan Zrzavý, CSc.: Aposematic coloration and mimicry in bugs (Heteroptera): behavior of bird predators, ecology and phylogeny. 2001-2005.
- IAA601410803, RNDr. Roman Fuchs, CSc.: Recognition of predators and other dangerous organisms by terrestrial vertebrates. 2008-2012.
- 206/08/H044, Prof. RNDr. Jan Lepš, CSc.: Plants, Insects and Vertebrates: Integrated study of ecological and evolutionary interactions. 2008-2011.
- MSM6007665801, doc. ing. Hana Šantrůčková, CSc.: Ecological, evolutionary and experimentally biological approaches to the study of origin and importance of the biodiversity. 2005-2010.
Current scientific direction:
Research of interspecific agonistic behavior in birds (redstarts, pipits). Research of acoustic communication in birds (warblers). Research of antipredation behaviour cognitive processes in birds (tits, shrikes). Birds as a predators of aposematic insects. Relationship of urbanization and birds.
List of publication 2002-2010:
- Fuchs R., Škopek J., Formánek J., Exnerová A., 2002: Atlas of breeding bird distribution in Prague. Ceská spolecnost ornitologická v nakladatelství Consult, Praha. 320s (in czech)
- Exnerová A., Landová E., Štys P., Fuchs R., Prokopová M., Cehláriková P., 2003: Reactions of passerine birds to aposematic and nonaposematic firebugs (Pyrrhocoris apterus; Heteroptera). BIOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY 78 (4): 517-525
- Kotal Z., Fuchs R., 2003: Distribution and habitat preferences of the three-toed woodpecker in Sumava National Park. NATIONALPARK-BERCHTESGGADEN-FORSCHUNGSBERICHT 48: 113-11
- Sedlacek O., Fuchs R., Exnerova A., 2004: Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus and black redstartP-ochruros in a mosaic urban environment: neighbours or rivals? JOURNAL OF AVIAN BIOLOGY 35 (4): 336-343
- Kumstatova T., Brinke T., Tomkova S., Fuchs R., Petrusek A., 2004: Habitat preferences of tree pipit (Anthus trivialis) and meadow pipit (A. pratensis) at sympatric and allopatric localities. JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY 145 (4): 334-342
- Skliba J., Fuchs R., 2004: Male Corncrake Crex crex extended their home ranges by visiting the territories of neighbouring males. BIRD STUDY 51: 113-118
- Riegert J., Fuchs R., 2004: Insect in the diet of urban kestrels from central Europe: An alternative prey or constant component of the diet? ORNIS FENNICA 81 (1): 23-32
- Exnerová A., Svádová K., Štys P., Barcalová S., Landová E., Prokopová M., Fuchs R., Socha R., 2006: Importance of colour in the reaction of passerine predators to aposematic prey: experiments with mutants of Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera). BIOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY 88: 143-153
- Veselý P., Veselá S., Fuchs R., Zrzavý J., 2006: Are gregarious red-black shieldbugs (Graphosoma lineatum, Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) really aposematic? An experimental approach. EVOLUTIONARY ECOLOGY RESEARCH 8 (5): 881-890
- Sedlacek O., Cikanova B., Fuchs R.,2006: Heterospecific rival recognition in Black Redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros). ORNIS FENNICA 83: 153-161
- Exnerová A., Štys P., Fučíková E., Veselá S., Svádová K., Prokopová M., Jarošík V., Fuchs R., Landová E. 2007: Avoidance of aposematic prey in European Tits (Paridae): Learned or innate? BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY 18 (1): 148-156
- Petrusková T, Petrusek A, Pavel V and Fuchs R 2007: Territorial meadow pipit males (Anthus pratensis; Passeriformes) become more aggressive in female presence. NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN 94(8):643-650
- Riegert J, Fainová D, Mikeš V, Fuchs R 2007: How urban Kestrels Falco tinnunculus divide their hunting grounds: partitioning or cohabitation? ACTA ORNITHOLOGICA, 42(1): 69-76(8)
- Riegert J, Dufek A , Fainov D, Václav M, Fuchs R 2007: Increased hunting effort buffers against vole scarcity in an urban Kestrel Falco tinnunculus population: Capsule In years with low vole abundance birds visited hunting grounds more frequently and for longer. BIRD STUDY54(3):353-361
- Sedláček O, Fuchs R, Exnerová A 2007: Differences in the nestling diets of sympatric Redstarts Phoenicurus phoenicurus and Black Redstarts P. ochruros: Species-specific preferences or responses to food supply? ACTA ORNITOLOGICA 42(1):99-106(8)
- Sedlacek O, Fuchs R 2008: Breeding site fidelity in urban Common Redstarts Phoenicurus phoenicurus. ARDEA 96(2):261-269
- Dolenská M, Nedvěd O, Veselý P, Tesařová M, Fuchs R 2009: What constitutes the warning signals of aposematic ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) to birds: colour, pattern or general appearance? BIOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY 98(1): 234-242
- Macek P, Rejmankova E, Fuchs R 2009: Biological activities as patchiness driving forces in wetlands of northern Belize. OIKOS 118 (11) : 1687-1694
- Veselý P and Fuchs R 2009: Newly emerged Batesian mimicry protects only unfamiliar prey. EVOLUTIONARY ECOLOGY: 919-929
- Schwarzová L, Štros P, Frynta D; Fuchs R 2010: Arrival timing in subadult and adult Black Redstart males: competition-dependent behaviour? ETHOLOGY ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION 22(2):111-118
- Tvardíková K, Fuchs R 2010: Tits use amodal completion in predator recognition: a field experiment DOI 10.1007/s10071-010-0311-3 ANIMAL COGNITION: 1435-9448
- Tvardíková K, Fuchs R 2011: Do birds behave according to dynamic risk assessment theory? A feeder experiment; Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 65(4): 727-733
- Strnad M, Němec M, Veselý P, Fuchs R (2012): Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio) adjust the mobbing intensity, but not mobbing frequency, by assessing the potential threat to themselves from different predators;Ornis Fennica, 89:206-215