Mgr. Eva
Landová, PhD.
Institution: Department of zoology, Charles University, Faculty of Science, Prague Address: Vinicná 7, CZ 128 44, Praha 2, Czech Republic; e-mail: evalandova@seznam.cz; +420 221951832;+420 722 016 068; Born: 22.6.1976
Academic career: research fellow and lecturer; Research and professional experience: 2000-2007: Ph.D. study, Department of Zoology, Ethology and Ecology Research Group (the same institution) Since 2004: employment at the same institution; Academic degrees: 2000: completion of master degree at Charles University, Faculty of Science, Department of Zoology, specialisation ecology and ethology. Master thesis: Aposematism – Reaction of some species of passerine birds toward aposematic and nonaposematic firebug (Pyrrhocoris apterus, Heteroptera); 2007: completion of PhD studies Faculty of Science, Department of Zoology, specialisation ecology and ethology. PhD thesis: Species specific learning strategy: importance of learning processes causing food aversion and the special case of observation learning.
Teaching experience: Practical courses: Seminar of ecology and ethology department, Interuniversity seminary, Ethology and Sociobiology, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, Ethological Methods, Animal Morphology, Vertebrate Zoology, Modern Methods of Morphometry Measurements; Lecture: Since 2005 Cognitive Neuroethology; Since 2007 Ethology and Sociobiology, Since 2009; Basics of Ethology; Students: Currently I am supervisor of one PhD theses, two master thesis and three bachelor theses and consultant of several others on. Current research directions: cognitive ecology and ethology of passerine birds, the role of learning and memory in context of aposematism, hybridisation in reptiles, cognition and abstraction in space orientation, human aesthetic preferences towards animals and human cognitive abilities concerning animal recognition
Publications: 9 publications in journals with IF (8 since 2005), and one book chapter in English, Web of Science reports SCI 38, H index 4
List of Publication with citation (without autocitation):
- EXNEROVÁ A., LANDOVÁ E., ŠTYS P., FUCHS R. , PROKOPOVÁ M. , CEHLÁRIKOVÁ P. 2003: Reactions of passerine birds to aposematic and non-aposematic firebugs (Pyrrhocoris apterus; Heteroptera). Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 78: 517-525 IF (2008) 2.019, 15 times cited [Manuscript PDF; The definitive version is available at www.blackwell-synergy.com]
- EXNEROVÁ A., SVÁDOVÁ K., BARCALOVÁ S., LANDOVÁ E., ŠTYS P., FUCHS R., SOCHA R. 2006: Importance of colour in the recognition of aposematic prey by passerine predators:experiments of colour mutants of Pyrrhocoris apterus.Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society.88(1):143-153 IF (2008) 2.3019, 10 times cited
- KRATOCHVÍ1 L, KUBICKA L. AND LANDOVÁ E. (2006): Yolk hormone levels in the synchronouslydeveloping eggs of Paroedura picta, the gecko with genetic sex determination. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 84(11): 1683-1687 IF (2008) 1.380, 4 times cited
- EXNEROVÁ A., PAVEL ŠTYS1, FUCÍKOVÁ E., VESELÁ S., SVÁDOVÁ K., PROKOPOVÁ M., VOJTECH J., ROMAN F., LANDOVÁ E. (2007): Avoidance of aposematic prey in European tits (Paridae): learned or innate? Behavioral Ecology, 18(1):148-156 IF (2008) 3.224, 10 times cited
- LANDOVÁ E., HORÁCEK I., FRYNTA D. (2006): Independent origins of the culturally transmitted technique of pine cone opening: Black Rats on Cyprus Island behave like their conspecifics in Israel. Israel Journal of Ecology & Evolution, 52(2), 151-158 IF (2008) 0.842
- KRATOCHVIL, L; KUBICKA, L; LANDOVA, E (2008): Does the mechanism of sex determination constrain the potential for sex manipulation? A test in geckos with contrasting sex-determining systems. Naturwissenschaften, 95, 209-215 IF (2008) 2.126, 1 times cited
- Svadova, K., Exnerova, A., Stys, P., Landova, E., Valenta, J., Fucikova, A., Socha R.:Role of different colours of aposematic insects in learning, memory and generalization of naïve bird predators. Animal Behaviour, 77 (2): 327-336 IF (2008), 2.752, 2 times cited
- Marešová J., Landová E., Frynta D. (2009): What makes some species of milk snakes more attractiveto humans than others? Theory in Biosciences. 128:227–235; IF=1.171
- ŠTORCHOVA Z., LANDOVA E., FRYNTA D. (2010): Why some tits store food and others do not: evaluation of ecological factors. Journal of Ethology. DOI: 10.1007/s10164-009-0200-x IF=1.205
- Frynta D., Marešová E., Landová E., Lišková S., Šimková O., Tichá I., Zelenková M. a Fuchs R. (2009): Are Animals in Zoos Rather Conspicuous than Endangered? In (Columbus A.M. & Kuznetsov Eds.): Endangered Species- New Research, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York: 299-341. Book chapter in English
Participation on currently supported projects:
IAA601410803, principal investigator RNDr. Roman Fuchs, CSc, , Mgr.Eva Landová, PhD.researcher: Concept of predators and other enemies in animal and human mind 2008-2012