Prognosis of demographic development and its consequences for the quality of life in dynamically changing municipalities within hinterlands of the Czech cities: application to regional development and administration

Hlavní řešitel: 
Doc. RNDr. Martin Ouředníček, Ph.D.
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Klíčová slova: 
demografický vývoj
zázemí měst
kvalita života

The project is aimed at creating methods and procedures towards 1) Prognosis of demographic development within hinterlands of the Czech cities influenced by dynamical development of suburbanization, 2) foreseeing of impact of specific demographic development within suburban municipalities and 3) identification of social needs of suburban citizens. The main target is to analyze contemporary issues and future risks resulted from suburban demographic development and to implement results of the research in order to improve the quality of life at suburban municipalities.



Mgr. Josef Mareš


Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science
Department of Social Geography and Regional Development
Albertov 6, Praha 2, 128 43
Czech Republic


Tel: +420 221 951 970

